
How to Support a breastfeeding mother

Breastfeeding has countless benefits. Numerous health benefits for mom and her baby. It can also save a family money that’s spend on formula, pediatrician and hospital visits.
A mother’s plans to breastfeed may stop short of reaching her goal for various reasons. Only a small percent of mothers cannot breastfeed for medical reasons, most mothers who gives up breastfeeding is for other reasons such as lack of support. As a result, many of these mothers may experience guilt and even postpartum depression. Lack of support often could be as a result of not knowing how to support. A breastfeeding mother needs to feel her family, friends, physicians and community is supports her decision to breastfeed for baby.

Breastfeeding Benefits

Breastfeeding Benefits

Did you Know…….Children who are breastfed have a lower incidence of obesity, allergies, diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease later in life. According to a new study, this may be due to the fact that breastfeeding promotes the development of beneficial bacteria in the baby’s gut.